Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody!  I have a quiz for you, if you know the Greek gods this should be easy.

1: which god gave golden apples to the boy who beat Atlanta in a race?

2: this god is all washed up

3:name them all

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Vampire Curse Island

If you are under 11, I do not recommend playing this because it is like a teenage vampire movie.  It is pretty cool though, you get a crossbow, and you get to kill a vampire. That is all I know about the island. the hardest poptropica island is astro-knights, the second hardest is mythology.  Skulduggery is super fun because you get a ship and keep leveling up. Contact me at

Saturday, October 13, 2012

SoCal championships

My dad is sailing in the SoCal championships on a J105 (that is a 36ft sail boat).  I think it is San Diego yacht club. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

lego mindstorm!!!!

This morning I completed my Lego mindstorm and built Robogater.  He can see, chase, bite, and swish his tail around.  The NXT 2.0 smart brick allows you to program him to do all those things.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

super-villian island

For all you POPTROPICA fans, I am going to start posting cheats about the islands I have conquered.   Super Villain Island is the sequel to Mythology Island!!!!!!  You have to enter the villains dreams.  The villains  are Black Widow, Doctor Hare, Captain Crayfish, and Mordred (Binary Bard).

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

About me

My name is Schuyler and I am nine years old. I have a enormous tree-house that my dad made for me. My hobbies include building with legos, playing piano, sailing and using my laptop.I love telling jokes to people, and reading books of all sorts. I also enjoy taking acting classes at CYT. I have been in one play, Robin Hood.